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Who's Getting What in Your Divorice?

Call a Gulfport Property Division Attorney.

There is little possibility that the husband or the wife going through divorce in Mississippi will be awarded all of the marital estate. In other words, you are in all likelihood going to lose something. Mississippi is an equitable distribution state in which courts consider certain factors when dividing and distributing marital property. Equitable distribution does not mean equal distribution and there is no guarantee that the court will divide the marital estate 50/50. The marital estate consists of all marital property, including property held outside Mississippi, which could include a military pension, retirement accounts, a multi-million dollar business, or just the living room furniture. Alimony is designed to financially provide for a spouse after divorce. It is becoming rare for Mississippi courts to award permanent alimony. Rather, alimony is more likely to be in the form of a lump sum or periodic payments. It is imperative in all divorce cases that property distribution and alimony provisions be properly constructed to avoid future litigation. Call a local, Gulfport divorce lawyer to discuss marital property and equitible distribution in Mississippi. 

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